
School Day

Safety first - Important Notice!
No access to staff car park during the following times:
8:30am - 9:00am
3:00pm - 3:25pm
The school day is punctuated by assemblies, break and lunchtime. School ends at 3:20pm with an opportunity to take part in after-school clubs. Below is an overview of the school day for Years 1 to 6:
Reception and KS1 doors open at 8:45am
Lower and Upper KS2 doors open at 8.40am
If you miss the door being opened, please bring your child to the main entrance. 
Our school day starts at 8:55
Pupils enter school and make their way to their classroom, with school staff  welcoming pupils through the key stage doors, cloak rooms and corridors. 
Pupils enjoy a range of assemblies which include topical affairs, religious education, reading focus, celebrations and more. This may be key stage specific or whole-school at least once each week. 
Lesson 1
In the mornings (during lesson 1 and 2) you will usually see English and Maths happening around school. In Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2, children are in their form classes for English and are in ability groups for Maths.
Break Time 10:15 or 10:30
Pupils play for 15 minutes outside (in most weathers!) on the yard or the field.
Lesson 2
In Upper Key Stage 2 Year 5 and Year 6 pupils are taught in two separate year groups. They are grouped into English and Maths groups and have an hour and a half of each subject per day.
Lunch Time
Our lunch hour is 11:45-12:45 in Key Stage 1 and 12:15-1:15 in Key Stage 2.
Lesson 3
Subjects such as humanities, science, art, DT, indoor PE, outdoor PE, French, PSHE, RE, computing and music are taught in our weekly timetables.
Key Stage 1 may have a 15 minute afternoon play time. 
Lesson 4
Our school day finishes at 3:20pm. 
We have a range of clubs on offer throughout the school year. Please see our Clubs page to view activities currently on offer.