
Adventure Awaits Forest School

Forest School takes place within our specialist site at Northburn Primary School. The sessions are run by Mrs Palmer and Mrs Coull who are both qualified Forest School leaders. Reception will have weekly sessions with Mrs Whittingham and Mrs Scorer. We also have another teacher currently completing their Forest Scholl Level 3 qualification.


Forest Schools is a fun, exciting way to learn in an outdoor setting. It can improve children’s confidence, self-esteem and communication skills, as well as giving them an opportunity to have lots of fun! The children also develop skills in teamwork, using tools safely and learning about looking after our outdoor environment.


During Forest School sessions, children are encouraged to work with others to carry out activities such as den/shelter building, role-play, exploration, practical and creative skills and tasks. This will include using tools, building and cooking on a fire and growing and harvesting food. These activities will encourage the children to develop resilience, be ambitious and take risks. Being immersed in the outdoors encourages the children to be inquisitive and ask questions about the world around them. Learning to work as a team and being respectful to each other and the living world will always be at the heart of Adventure Awaits.



You can follow our adventures in Instagram!

Each year group will have a block of Forest School sessions during the year (please see timetable). These sessions will take place regardless of the weather therefore appropriate clothing is essential.


Some suggested clothing options would be:


· outdoor shoes – walking boots or wellies

· warm socks

· a warm coat – preferably waterproof

· a jumper or fleece

· a long sleeved t-shirt

· trousers

· waterproof over-trousers if possible

· hat, gloves, sun cream

(depending on the weather)

· an extra layer of clothing

(depending on the weather)